Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Life without Siblings

My siblings love to blog about life before I came along.

Here is Rachel's blog about how great her family is and what a sweet trip she took down memory lane.  Only one thing missing... ME!

Here is Nicole's blog about how cute looking my sibs are and how lovey-dovey they can be, WITHOUT ME!

I do have to give them a little credit because in retrospect they mention my name, but seriously folks - it is time I did a blog about how great I was as a youngin', excluding any pictures with siblings (actually just my sisters, my brother does not have a blog where he can post about life pre-E).

Here are my parent's just before they found out their little miracle was on the way. 
Can't you see the twinkle?

Here I am with my Dad and my brother Todd.  
Todd made me a special hat for the day I came home from the hospital.
I have such a sweet brother - who, by the way, is getting married this weekend to an AMAZING woman.  Very happy for them!

Here I am peering over my mommy's shoulder.

So happy I am.

"The best things in life are free.
But you can give them to the birds and bees.
I want money."

Here I am with Dr. Watson Sprinkles of 12487 Kingspine Ave.

In a stunning performance of..... Don't remember the name of the play.

With Mamalene

7th Grade, School Photo. 
Muirlands Middle, but representin' SR.

High school with OMo at a regatta in Long Beach

Senior Picture... 

High School Graduation

My Senior Presents

I have to say, quite the stunning life I led/lead.
But really, it was such a task to find this many photos without my siblings.  In most the photos I have,  I am surrounded by them - and that's just how I like it!  My siblings are everything important to me.  And my life without them would be dull and void of the most special friendship I have.

So, to finish on a much less selfish note:

Here's a classic pic of all of us Homel kids.

Love you sibbies.